Thursday, April 10, 2014

Clemson Extension Research Farm

Today I returned to the Clemson Extension Research Center with my friend Madeline. We got the opportunity to see the cover crops and the wheat fully grown. We learned about the different research projects going on at the site as well. For example, we learned about the project they are doing with "Amy's Kitchen", which is an organic food company. It was interesting to hear about the different ways to receive grants for the program, which are given through the state and the federal government. We learned that the average grant they receive for a project is around $28,000, which covers a full-time field hand and the tools necessary for the study. 

In addition, we also learned about the crimson clover, which they were using as a cover crop. It was really pretty to see in the fields- we were told that they glean a couple hundred of pounds of the pink clovers, which are then shipped to other farms. 

Lastly, we learned a lot about nitrogen nodules- a major part of all healthy plants. These small nodules are visible on the roots of plants, and they produce a ton of nitrogen for the environment to use. 

Crimson Clover

Nitrogen Nodules

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